
Go Ahead and Smile - You  Can Afford To!

BlueDental  Choice  QF Plan

Taking care of your teeth and gums now can save you time, pain and money later on. A BlueDental Choice QF plan can help improve the oral and overall health of you and your family. It’s also compliant with the Affordable Care Act. Our BlueDental Choice QF plan for adults and children stresses preventive care and offers many valuable benefits, including major restorative services. You can choose any dentist, in or out of network; however, using a dentist in our network offers you richer benefits.

Oral Health for Overall Health

If you have a qualifying medical condition, the Oral Health for Overall Health program gives you additional benefits that can help improve your overall health. These benefits are valued at over $1,000 and are covered 100% when you see a participating provider. We make it easy to participate – if you have medical and dental coverage with Florida Blue, we’ll enroll you automatically.

Maximum Rollover

Your benefits go further with Maximum Rollover, which lets you save a portion of unused benefit dollars to use in future years. Over time, you can reach up to $2,000 in annual benefits, compared to the standard $1,000 plan maximum. There are no fees and no paperwork to complete.

BlueDental Loyalty (Effective 1/1/2021)

BlueDental Choice QF adult plans provide you with extra services after reaching membership milestones, beginning at just six months. These include an exclusive customer service phone number and additional cleanings that can help you have a brighter, healthier smile. You’re automatically enrolled, so it’s easy to earn extra perks.

2021 Blue Dental Choice PPO Summary

2021 Blue Dental Copayment Summary

Florida Blue Dental 2021 Premiums

Florida Blue Dental 2021 Premiums 2



CMA Insurance
155 Professional Drive
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
Phone: (904) 273-9653

CMA Benefits

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